
本文由 Raelene布鲁克斯护理学院院长.


Registered nurses (RNs) are a vital part of the healthcare system and can pursue numerous specializations. (这个领域有很多 护士的种类例如,包括主管护士和旅行护士.)从患者倡导到实际治疗, 他们在医院提供基本护理, 诊所, 门诊手术中心, 公共医疗保健设置等.

要成为注册会计师,你可以选择多种途径. You can complete a diploma nursing program or earn an Associate Degree in 护理 (ADN) and then obtain licensure. 你可以继续学习并获得护理学学士学位(BSN), 提升你的事业,探索新的机会.

最终, RN和BSN的区别 RN描述的是一个需要执照的专业角色吗, 而BSN是一个护理学位推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,允许注册护士发展他们的技能, 比如领导力, 并有可能在护理领域扮演新的角色.

如果你是一名注册护士,想在你的职业生涯中迈出下一步, 在线护理学位可以帮助你为你的护理之旅做好准备. 让我们来探索一下如何获得BSN, including why competency-based RN-BSN programs can streamline the process for working RNs who hold an active license.


Despite the ways online coursework can make earning a degree more feasible for working adults, 完成BSN需要时间和奉献精神. University of Phoenix is committed to removing as many barriers to education as possible by offering online programs and flexible scheduling, but it’s still essential to research all pathways before deciding which makes the most sense for your situation.

RNs who hold a bachelor’s degree in a field other than nursing and who want to enhance their careers can consider an option outside of the BSN. 护士桥梁项目, 比如推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜提供的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, provide licensed nurses with an avenue for additional education and career enhancement through a Master of Science in 护理.

An MSN program at UOPX is a post-licensure nursing program designed for nurses with current RN licensure who desire to obtain a Master of Science in 护理 with a specialization, 例如行政管理, 教育, 信息学, 家庭护士执业和精神病学心理健康.


Nurses who have graduated with a nursing diploma or an ADN and who have obtained their RN licensure, 可以通过推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的传统 RN到BSN程序 track.

有至少一年全职工作经验的护士, 高速学校, 临床注册护士工作经验,并在自治教育环境中茁壮成长, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜提供了一个 注册护士至护理学理学士(以能力为基础) 项目跟踪.

Competency-based (CB) programs are structured differently from traditional degree programs. 例如,在UOPX,非cb项目的学生通常一次只上一门课. 但该大学的CB推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜允许一次上四门课.

更重要的是, students in CB programs work with faculty advisors to focus their education on learning skills and knowledge they don’t already have. By scheduling regular competency assessments according to their needs and in conjunction with faculty advisors, students can spend more time learning what they don’t know and less time proving what they do know.



持有注册护士证书并完成注册护士推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜和NCLEX执照的护士, 也可以通过推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜RN到BSN程序. 你只需要经验,如果你想参加 以能力为基础的注册护士到BSN计划.


推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的BSN项目要求候选人持有积极的, 在其拥有执照的每个司法管辖区持有无阻碍的注册护士执照.* As mentioned, applicants for the CB track must have at least one year of nursing work experience.

*其他 招生要求 包括U的证明.S. 公民或永久居留权. 没有SAT/ACT或论文要求, UOPX通常可以要求你的成绩单,不需要额外的费用. The University accepts eligible credits from more than 5,000 accredited institutions.


UOPX’s BSN program aligns with the American Association of Colleges of 护理 Essentials to deliver the necessary curriculum and expected competencies. In addition to general education coursework to help develop your knowledge of health, 健康和营养, 你将完成以下推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜:

  • 公共卫生基础
  • 医疗保健政策和财务管理
  • 专业护理领导视角
  • 道德和法律方面的考虑
  • 研究成果管理

The degree program includes 11 core nursing courses and 47 general education credits. 学生还必须完成90个直接护理临床时数. 你可以在网上学习所有的教学推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 临床时间必须在社区环境中亲自进行.


在获得BSN时,您将学习的硬技能和软技能超出了基本技能 护理所需技能比如如何给药和静脉注射. You’ll learn how to practice evidence-based care that reflects your knowledge of health and wellness. You’ll demonstrate professional standards of ethics and legal conduct within the healthcare industry, 你将学习如何在健康环境中更好地沟通, 无论是对病人还是对同伴.


  • 沟通
  • 批判性思维和整体护理
  • 对人口健康的同情
  • 专业
  • 领导
  • 协调安全护理
  • 信息管理与沟通
  • 质量改进和案例管理

这些技能中的许多甚至可以转化为额外的 护士的替代职业,进一步为你的事业成功奠定基础.


获得BSN可以为注册护士提供更多的职业机会.  Depending upon your role and experience, nursing salaries across the country can vary.


  • 护士长: 负责护士 are RNs who oversee administrative duties and coordinate between hospital leaders and general nursing staff. 他们的角色通常也涉及病人护理. Many charge nurses provide crucial guidance to nurses and coordinate schedules among their teams.
  • 公共卫生护士: 公共卫生护士 利用从护理中获得的知识促进和保护人口健康, 社会和公共卫生科学. 而不是治疗严重的健康问题, a public health nurse’s primary responsibility is to prevent disease and disability among the people in their community. 公共卫生护士可以在研究机构工作, 门诊, 社区卫生诊所和其他机构. BLS doesn’t differentiate between PHNs and other types of RNs; earning potential for this role falls in line with other RN roles.
  • 护理主任: 护理主任 incorporate years of experience to handle the duties of overseeing an entire department’s nursing operation. 在很多情况下, 他们执行政策, 设定预算, 管理员工,帮助管理部门和护士之间的三角信息. The BLS includes nursing directors as medical and health services managers; as of May 2023, 这个职位的薪水 earned between between $67,900 and $216,750, with a median wage of $110,680, according to BLS.

薪资范围不针对推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的学生或毕业生. 实际结果因多种因素而异, 包括之前的工作经验, 地理位置和个人特有的其他因素. University of Phoenix does not guarantee employment, salary level or career advancement. 劳工统计局的数据是基于地理位置的. 具体州/城市的信息可以在劳工统计局网站上查询.


The Bachelor of Science in 护理 programs available at University of Phoenix are excellent ways for RNs to learn relevant skills that can enhance their careers.


  • 注册护士,护理学学士学位:深入研究护理角色和实践等相关主题, 研究成果, 而卫生信息技术在这一传统时期, 在线120学分推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.
  • 注册护士到护理学学士学位Competency-Based: Earn your BSN in as little as a year by leveraging your work experience, 技能和自律在这个自定进度的计划.

无论你的注册护士职业生涯走向何方,a 来自推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的BSN 能帮助你获得有价值的技能,帮助你实现未来的目标吗. 



A graduate of Johns Hopkins University and its Writing Seminars program and winner of the Stephen A. 狄克逊文学奖, 迈克尔·费德 brings an eye for detail and a passion for research to every article he writes. 他的学术和专业背景包括市场营销经验, 内容开发, 脚本编写和SEO. 今天, he works as a multimedia specialist at University of Phoenix where he covers a variety of topics ranging from healthcare to IT.



现任商业与信息技术学院院长, 自2006年以来,Kathryn Uhles一直在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜担任各种职务. 在加入推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜之前, 凯瑟琳在凤凰城教五年级的贫困儿童.


This article has been vetted by University of Phoenix's editorial advisory committee. 







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